3 Mar 2017

Why Industrial Noise Control is Important in Factories

Enhancing Factory Efficiency: The Role of Noise Control

Industrial businesses can be a primary cause of noise pollution to the environment, which is why it is important to install acoustic systems into the building. Having appropriate mitigation control within the building can reduce the loud noises that heavy equipment can emit. This is useful in preventing in complaints and excessive noises. Here’s why industrial noise control is important in factories:


Why might you need industrial noise control?

There are various reasons as to why you might need to have noise control in your industrial premises. External and internal noise levels need to be kept to an acceptable level, and industrial noise control methods offer solutions to excessive noise problems. Some factories operate within residential areas, so it’s important to keep external noise to a minimum in order to prevent noise complaints and upset from the local community.

Other factories use loud machinery that goes above the acceptable noise rating, this can cause problems internally. Such issues need to be addressed swiftly, which is why industrial noise control is a necessary asset to have. Failure to comply with noise mitigation control could see the owner’s fighting legal battles and compensation claims.


What are the different types of noise control options?

There are various different types of acoustic solutions that are vital for a factory, including:


  • Acoustic Attenuator Solution (HVAC)
  • Acoustic Louvres
  • Acoustic Enclosures


An Acoustic Attenuator Ventilation Solution (HVAC) is used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to reduce mechanical noise and reduce the noise down to the specified noise rating (NR). They’re available in a range of sizes depending on how big the factory is and can even be custom built to suit a business’ particular needs.

An Acoustic Louvre, on the other hand, allows the flow of fresh air which is needed in different plants, whilst simultaneously reducing the level of noise internally and in surrounding areas.

An Acoustic Enclosure helps to reduce the sound of noisy machinery, maintaining an acceptable indoor noise level at work. It can significantly reduce noise levels between 15 to 50 dB depending on the construction and design of the enclosure.


Why is industrial noise control beneficial to the environment?

Though air pollution has a reputation for being detrimental to the environment, noise pollution can be just as harmful. One of the biggest ways in which noise pollution is harming the planet is its impact on wildlife in the local area and beyond. Because they are dependent on sound, it can often be confusing and off-putting for them when they’re subjected to excessive amounts of noise pollution. It can impair their ability to navigate, communicate and reproduce.

Unfortunately, it’s not just the local wildlife that’s affected. Noise pollution can travel a significant distance. The population of certain species of birds may decline or change when exposed to continuous noise generated by cities and industrial sites. Interestingly, some have been forced to adjust their vocal calls in order to be heard over the loud noise.

It seems a great shame that industrial noise pollution can have such a huge effect on the environment. That’s why here at Airmatic we’re extremely committed to providing industrial businesses and factories the very best noise control solutions. For more information on the products we offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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