23 Nov 2017

The Importance of Ventilation in Winter for Air Quality

For many, the idea of having an air ventilation system on during the winter months is a strange concept. However, that is a result of thinking – wrongly – that ventilation affects the cooling of a room in some way. This is not the case and good air quality is necessary year round, not simply during the winter months.

Winter air can be poorer quality overall, made even worse by the fact that any windows and doors are kept tightly shut in order to preserve heat. These closed windows can have a big effect on air quality and as such ventilation remains vital even in winter in order maintain superior air quality.

Winter Deterioration

Typically, air quality is much reduced when it comes to the colder months of the year. Fresh air is restricted due to people wanting to keep the warm air in. Which means that natural air flow is drastically reduced, leading to air stagnating. Causing a buildup of pollutants, allergens and contamination overall.

Sealed environments – both domestically and commercially – help to conserve energy and save money. However, the deterioration of air quality during the winter, as a result, sees the higher rate of colds and illnesses as a result.


In the day to day life of a factory, warehouse or workspace there are many contaminants produced. If these went unchecked, without an effective ventilation system, then we would be even more vulnerable to illness during winter as a result. These contaminants include:

  • Mould – moisture builds up when a lack of ventilation occurs, resulting in condensation that moulds thrive upon to grow. Typical in bathrooms, these can easily build up in workspaces that produce high levels of condensation.
  • Germs – germs are unavoidable wherever you go, work or home. But, typically they escape as a result of good ventilation or natural air flow. In winter they are much more trapped and as a result, people are much more susceptible to being infected as a result.
  • Dust – whether we like it or not, dust builds up easily during winter and can lead to terrible air quality as a result. Dust mites typically die in the winter, but due to a warm atmosphere indoors, this is not the case in a warm workplace.
  • Combustible by-products – the exact product can vary depending on the type of combustion but are typical of the commercial workspace. They are a product of burning oil, gas, wood, coal or even kerosene. Ventilation is critical at all times when it comes to combustible by-products, especially as a buildup of carbon monoxide (the most typical pollutant from burning) can be fatal at higher levels. 

Other Methods for Better Air Quality

Ventilation is essential for continuous high-quality air without pollutants. However, there are also other things that you can do to keep your workplace air quality up during the winter months.

Regular cleaning of pollutants and high-risk areas of your business are essential, this should be enforced as a preventative measure. Cleaning helps to remove dust, germs and the moisture that allows mould to grow. Preventing air pollution before it even has a chance to really begin.

Maintenance of fuel-burning areas is, also, important to keep on top of air quality. Regular inspections to ensure they are in good working order is vital to ensure you don’t expose your workplace to toxic pollutants, which could adversely affect your employee’s health.

Airmatic’s Solution

The first and last line of defence your air quality has in winter should be an efficient ventilation system. Our experienced and dedicated team here at Airmatic Ltd will install a complete system for all of your winter needs, as well as offering regular and efficient maintenance.

For further information, simply fill in our contact form or call our team on 0161 764 4004 for a consultation on your business needs.


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