27 May 2019

What Are The Most Common Forms Of Indoor Air Pollutants?

When we think of polluted air, it’s rare that we tend to relate it to indoor air pollutants but they can be just as harmful compared to pollutants found outside. We often relate pollution to the gases given off from industrial factories and combustion processes in vehicles but what occurs indoors should also be considered, particularly within industrial spaces. With this in mind, it’s worth being aware of the most common forms of indoor air pollutants found in these spaces and what can be done to reduce that harm that it can have.


  1. Carbon Monoxide (CO)


What is most dangerous about carbon monoxide is its qualities of practically being undetectable. It’s odourless and colourless which makes it hard to identify in the air. It’s caused by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. How this form of indoor air pollutant can form is through the burning of coal, for example. This tends to still be a common practice within industrial factories, releasing much soot and carbon monoxide in the air and fossil fuels burning incompletely.


There are steps that industrial businesses can take to reduce this from happening. This can include introducing green policies for the wider business, reducing general energy use and assessing the current carbon footprint of the business to understand just how much pollution the organisation is currently producing.


  1. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)


Nitrogen dioxide is a very harmful form of indoor air pollutant and can be toxic and corrosive. It’s main symptoms involve irritation of the throat, eyes and nose. They can encourage respiratory problems. If exposed heavily to nitrogen dioxide, it can lead to serious trouble in the lungs and cause lung disease in the future.


Industrial businesses can ensure that any forms of combustion equipment are installed and secured correctly, as well as maintained correctly.


  1. Asbestos


Asbestos can be rather common in industrial industries due to the hazardous particles that surround these environments. Asbestos is a mineral that is formed naturally around the world, but if the fibres of the mineral are disturbed it causes them to become airborne. This can lead to it entering the lungs.


This can develop asbestosis which is a condition that causes excessive coughing, breathing troubles and potentially permanent lung damage. In order to prevent asbestos molecules from becoming airborne, it would be recommended to have it professionally removed.


  1. Mould


A mould is a form of fungi that can build when indoor and outdoor environments aren’t looked after or become stale over time. Although some types of moulds can be harmless, other forms can be extremely dangerous. Large exposure to dangerous forms of mould can cause allergic reactions in some people. Some of the common symptoms of it, however, relate to respiratory problems such as throat irritation and coughing.


There are simple methods that you can implement in your commercial environment to ensure that mould doesn’t develop. Keeping moisture and humidity at a consistent level is key to this. If there are any leaks or spills, these should be cleaned up immediately.


Working in an industrial environment, it’s important to be aware of the dangers that can occur in them. These forms of indoor air pollutants can be controlled when managed correctly. Airmatic have several solutions that can help to prevent such indoor air pollutants developing in your industrial environment. Contact us here for more details.


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